How do I reference my LaTeX tables or equations?
Examples For example, a simple LaTeX table may look like this:PopularCan I write a LaTeX equation over multiple lines? Using the multiline, aligned packages.
Sometimes a long equation needs to be broken over multiple lines, especially if using a double column export style. For example, this equation would most likely span over two columns: To achieve correct break and alignment of the above equation try the code below. (Note: new lines () do not work in equation environments.)PopularHow to write mathematical equations and formulae
How to input mathematical notation Use the visual and LaTeX math editor You can click on the math symbol in the toolbar x^2y and compose both inline and new line equations (numbered) both using a visual editor with many math symbols or via a LaTeX math editor with preview. Read more about it here.PopularHow to create an Appendix section or Supplementary Information
If you would like to have an Appendix or a Supplementary Information section in your document follow the instructions below in order to reference your figures and tables correctly, using a separate numbering scheme. Click on Settings (cogs icon) in the Toolbar and Edit Macros. In the header.tex file, insert these lines:PopularHow to prevent wide or long tables from overflowing in the exported PDF
Basic tables If your table is too wide and/or long and it does not easily fit on a Letter/A4 page, we suggest you customize the table look. Every table can be customized in its look: the number of rows and columns you want to export, as well as the font size. Just click on the table to see what options are available. Table Options LaTeX tables Is your tablePopularHow to write in LaTeX
In order to insert blocks of LaTeX notation in your document, click on Insert from the toolbar menu and then click LaTeX. You can choose to set your default to LaTeX by changing your editor settings in your profile. A new LaTeX block in your document is created where the cursor is. It looks like this: LaTeX editing You can now type some LaTeX syntax. HoveriFew readersHow to make bold LaTeX math / bm does not work
Please use mathbf instead of bm. So for example write: $mathbf O(log n) + mathbf O(lambda,,epsilon) $ Alternatively, if you really want to use bm, you need to include the following package in your header.tex (click Edit Macros in Document Settings)Few readersHow do I convert my LaTeX document to Word?
Import and Export Authorea allows users to import their documents in one format (LaTeX, Microsoft Word (.DOCX), Google Docs) and exporting their files in another. Click New and Upload your Word .docx document (Note: older .doc files are not supported) Make sure the imported document looks as expected. Make any changes/modifications as you see fit. Export your document into the desired format by clicking Export -LaTeXFew readersSyncing articles to GitHub
This how-to guide will assume you have some basic knowledge of Git and that you have a Github account already. You can link your Authorea article with a Github repository very easily: in just one click. Linking up Authorea and Github. From your article (main view): Make sure you are an admin (if not, ask the lead author to make you so) Click on the gear icon (Settings ) Scroll down to the Advanced Settings and click on Setup Github Integration under Offline mode In the page that opFew readersHow do I delete a document?
Deleting a draft From your user homepage, click on dots next to a document card title and then select Delete Document. Deleting a publication Sorry, you cannot delete a publication. Your publication on Authorea was "pre-printed" and registered with a DOI. As such, it is partFew readersI am a student/educator, can I use Authorea?
Yes, Authorea can be used by students to write and preprint class essays, theses, and notes, and by educators for educational purposes. In fact, Authorea is already in use by students at top universities around the world.Few readersWriting Offline on Authorea
Offline work Authorea allows researchers to write online as well as offline. We are working on a full-fledged offline application for Windows, Mac, and Linux. For the time being, to use Authorea offline, make sure you have first opened in your browser an Authorea document while online. You can then turn off your internet connection during travel or for whatever reason and continue editing, offline. Your edits will be saved and synced once you come back online. Please note that somFew readersHow to create a table of contents and list of figures and tables
You can access a table of contents while writing by clicking the Document dropdown in the toolbar and selecting Table of Contents. But what if you want a table of contents and a list of figures in your exported PDF document? Follow these instructions: First, make sure your document has Numbered Headings enabled. (Find it under Document Settings -Advanced Options) Second, create a table of contents by adding a LaTeX block where you want to place the table of contents - ideally, undeFew readersHow do I include a LaTeX package?
Authorea features LaTeXML, the most powerful way to render LaTeX notation on the web. This is an up to date list of all latex packages you can use on Authorea. In order to use a specific LaTeX package, you need to include it, so that Authorea loads it for you. To do this follow these steps: In your document toolbar, click on the cogs (⚙️) in the right end, and select Edit Macros. 2Few readersUsing labels and references
Imagine the following scenario. You have a document with 20 figures labeled Figure 1 , Figure 2 , Figure 3 , etc . You have been writing the document for days. You realize today that you need to include a new figure right at the beginning of the document. You include it. But now, if you label it as Figure 1 you need to change the old Figure 1 to Figure 2 and so on and so forth, 20 times. (Plus every single time that those figures are referenced). 🙈 Authorea uses a dynamic labeling and referenFew readersCan I use a custom LaTeX class or style file?
Authorea supports custom LaTeX .cls and .bst files. If you would like to use a modified/custom version of a vendor style on Authorea, you can upload it to your document and we will use your class, style and bst files upon compilation. Suppose for example that you want to use a modified version of the Wiley Article class which you have available locally in a file called wiley-article.cls. Follow these steps: Click on Document -Data in the toolbar and upload your wiley-artiFew readersHow to track changes made by co-authors
Track changes via the History view Authorea allows researchers to easily collaborate on a document in real-time. To facilitate collaboration, Authorea allows researchers to track changes made over time via the History tab. Changes are automatically accepted by collaborators, but we allow you to revert back to earlier versions, if you wish, by following the following instructions. Click on the History tab ( readersHow can I write a figure caption in LaTeX?
Authorea allows you to insert snippets of LaTeX into your document. You can even go as far as writing your entire document in LaTeX. However, captions right now are limited to rich text. This is because LaTeX's caption environment is extremely sensitive to malformatted markup. For example, some export styles will complain (and fail compilation) if you insert newlines in the caption environment. To prevent this from happening, we only allow rich text in captions. However, you can still inject LaTFew readersCan I use custom LaTeX macros, newcommands, and packages?
Custom LaTeX macros and newcommands Yes, you can specify your favorite macros and add your favorite packages (this is a list of LaTeX packages we support) In Edit mode, click on Edit Macros in the toolbar, under Settings ⚙️ Then, in header.tex you can define your macros and packages. Macros For example, if you put this snippet in your header.tex: newcommand msun ,mathrm M odot and thenFew readersHow can I undo?
If you are trying to undo a simple text writing operation (e.g. removing a sentence you just wrote), your normal browser functions such as ctrl-z (or cmd-z) and ctrl-y (cmd-y) should work. If you are trying to undo more complex operations (e.g. remove an image you just added), open the History from under the Document dropdown in the toolbar. The history sidebar opens up and it shows the versions of your document. If you click on the + sign next to a version you expand that version showingFew readersUsing Grammarly with Authorea
Grammarly, a popular tool used for the correction of spelling and grammar is supported on Authorea for rich-text editing only (Markdown and LaTeX are NOT supported). Please note, you must turn off the plugin while writing as cursor errors can occur. You can turn it back on once you're done typing for final edits and spellcheck. To use Grammarly, install the plugin and simply type. ( readersHow to remove a LaTex, Markdown, text, or code block
To remove a block or snippet (whether it is a LaTeX block, Markdown block, text block, or code block), remove all the content in the block and then press delete/backspace.Few readersFigures spanning two columns
Insert a figure from the Insert menu in the toolbar. Then click on the figure and the Manage Figure pop up appears: Check the multicolumn checkbox and export your document again (using a two column style) to see the changes.Few readersHow to insert footnotes
Footnotes are only available in LaTeX snippets at the moment To insert a footnote Click Insert -LaTeX in the toolbar Insert your text, for example: David Foster Wallace would use footnotes extensivelyfootnote Wallace used a vocabulary of textbf 20,584 unique words to write the textbf 577,608 -word textit Infinite Jest . Click outside of the LaTeX block and your footnote should appear.Few readersHow do I add an image?
To add an image, first make sure the cursor is placed in the document where you would like to add your image. Next, select the photo icon from the toolbar and select the image you wish to add (we recommend jpeg or png file formats). The image will automatically be added and you can resize your image based on your preferences. (https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersHow to insert code blocks and snippets
To enter inline code, simply press the <button from the toolbar (or hit shift-cmd-c). To enter a code block, click on "Code block" from the Insert dropdown (syntax highlighting will happen automatically based on your language).Few readersHow to write inline LaTeX and math symbols
Click on the equation button x^2y in the toolbar and insert your symbol, and you can even insert advanced inline latex. See belowFew readersWriting in Markdown
In order to insert blocks of Markdown in your document, click on Insert from the toolbar menu and then Markdown. A new Markdown block in your document is created where the cursor is. It looks like this: You can now type some Markdown syntax. Hovering with your mouse on Preview, you will preview the rendered markdown content. Clicking outside of the block, youFew readersCan I use shortcuts and key bindings?
Yes. The Authorea editor supports all major shortcuts that you expect in a modern browser, such as: Ctrl-z (⌘-z) to Undo Typing Ctrl-c + Ctrl-v (⌘-c + ⌘-v) to Copy and Paste Text Tab to indent Text Latex and Markdown. When writing LaTeX and Markdown snippets, you can use many additional shortcuts for writing. You can even customize your editor to use Emacs or VIM key bindings. In order to do so, navigate to User Settings and under Editor Preferences, set Keybinding to "Emacs" or "vim". (httFew readersCan I use Authorea to write a book or dissertation?
Books and Dissertations At the moment, we discourage users to write long documents on Authorea (e.g. more than 50 pages, when printed). This is because long documents do not fit well inside a single webpage and slow down and crash your browser. In the meantime, you can: Use our sister application,, which supports multi-chapter documents Write each chapter of your thesis or book as a separate Authorea article. We will soon be adding theFew readersIs the Siunitx LaTeX package supported?
Siunitx LaTeX package From the toolbar, click on Settings ⚙ and select Edit Macros. This will open a file called header.tex for editing. This is the file where all packages and macros are defined. Add this line: usepackage siunitx Then go back to the Document view and type in a LaTeX block SI units, such as si meter which will render as m.Few readersHow can I make text superscript and subscript?
Subscript and superscript buttons You can find superscript and subscript buttons in the toolbar. Click them to create superscript and subscript text.Few readersHow do I position images in my documented exported as PDF?
Image positioning When you export a document, Authorea's compiler will choose optimal positioning to ensure professional typesetting. However, you may want to display figures exactly in the place where you have placed them, or at the end of the document (some journals require this). In order to accomplish this, visit Export Options from the Export dropdown. In Export Options, select Figure Positioning to be Strict if you want figures to be positioned according to their exaFew readersWhy don't my LaTeX equations render in the exported Word?
Our Word exporter relies on Pandoc, an open document conversion system. It is the best tool to convert LaTeX to Word. While Pandoc has an extensive support of LaTeX, it does not support all of it. As such, some complex equations and LaTeX packages may not export to Word correctly. The trick is to simplify as much as possible your mathematical notation if your plan is to export to Word. Or you can export to PDF. Example. This equation in LaTeX will render correctly when exported to Word:Few readersHow do I add an Abstract?
Most scholarly articles have a special summary called "abstract". An abstract is a special type of block in Authorea, because it always shows at the top of the document (below author list), and it is handled differently by the exporter. In order to add an abstract in Authorea, click Insert from the toolbar and then select Abstract.Few readersHow to customize corresponding address and other author information on export
If you are exporting your document using a specific vendor style, there may be some options for you to set a corresponding address, funder information, etc. Even if you're not using a vendor style and you are a LaTeX expert, you may want to pass some custom options to the compiler before export. To do so, In Edit mode, click on the gear icon ⚙️in the toolbar and select Edit Macros Look for the bottom part of the header.tex file, between else and fi. For example, if you are expFew readersHeading styles and how they affect export
Authorea supports a format-neutral writing environment, which means that articles all have the same look when viewed on Authorea, but may be exported to thousands of different styles to achieve desired formatting. To take advantage of this Authorea relies on authors use of h1 h2 h3 to distinguish different headings upon export. h1 produces a section heading which looks like this: ( readersHow do I add a page break?
A page break is useful to create a pause in the flow of your document. To create a page break press the Page break button in the Insert toolbar. In the web view of your Authorea document, a page break creates a break in the text identified by a line or symbol, similar to e.g.: ( readersI deleted one of Data files called untitled.html and lost my whole article. What do I do?
The Data view of every Authorea article contains all its content: text, data, images, citations. You should never delete files from the Data view unless you know what you are doing but if you accidentally delete a file, it will disappear from the article (every article is just a rendered version of all the files indicated in the . So what can you do? Luckily, Authorea stores every change to your articles to a Git repository. So, if you accidentally deleted a file, navigate to the HFew readersDo you support multiple languages?
Authorea documents can be written in any language. The editor supports all unicode characters, so you can type in your document any characters you like. So yes, whether you call your research, recherche, исследование, or 研究, you can use Authorea to write it up. Exporting multi-language documents In addition to writing in many languages you can also export your documents to multiple languages. A simple export will print out all your unicode characters correctly. But there's more. If you areFew readersHow to write chemical formulae
Simple chemical notation For simple chemical notation, you can using the via the x^2y button in the toolbar. All details here. More complex chemical notation Go to your article's Data folder from the toolbar and add a file called header.tex with the following line in it: newcommand*chem 1 ensuremath mathrm 1 Then, go back to the article view, insert a LFew readersHow to reorder figures and sections
Reorder content via the Table of Contents In Edit mode, click on the Document menu and select Table of Contents / Reorder Content Drag and drop paragraphs and figures to reorder themFew readersCan I color text?
Yes. Click on the marker icon in the toolbar 🖍 to color and highlight text. Coloring text is also available in LaTeX mode. Insert -LaTeX from the toolbar to insert a Latex snippet. Try writing textcolor blue Blue velvet Click outside the LaTeX blockFew readersHow do I number sections automatically?
In the editor toolbar, click on the Settings in the right ⚙️ Select Document Settings Under Advanced Options, enable Numbered HeadingsFew readersAre LaTeX packages algorithmic and algorithm2e supported?
Unfortunately not. While algorithmic and algorithm2e are partly supported by LaTeXML, they do not work in Authorea. Please consider using code listings (usepackage listings ) in your macros. You can find more about customizing the look of your code listings in this articleFew readersHelp, my document is not saving!
No need to push the save button Authorea is constantly saving. Look for the save indicator, it saves constantly while you type. Is the save indicator stuck on saving? Try to refresh the page Do you use Grammarly or any other plugins that operate on text? Try disabling them, refresh the page and keep typing. If you still encounter problems, drop us a line at help@authorea.comFew readersHow do I add a video, music, tweet, instagram, or rich media?
Create a new document or open an existing one. Enter edit mode and click Insert -Rich Media Paste a URL to the resource you'd like to embed More information and some examples, here: readers