Inserting an interactive figure
Authorea enables embedding of interactive, dynamic, data-driven figures directly into articles. These can be diagrams from external services like Carto or diagrams from a javascript library like d3.js, flotchart, bokeh, or Plotly. To insert an interactive figure, click Insert Interactive Figure and select the HTML source code from your computer that you wish to add to your document. ( readersJupyter and IPython Notebooks
Authorea documents are more than just text and figures. Every Authorea document is a Git repository that can host data, source code and any other related supplemental material. You can add Jupyter / IPython Notebooks to a figure and allow your coauthors and the public to execute them.Few readersHosting data and uploading files
Every document written on Authorea has a layer underneath for figures and data. Authorea supports a wide range of filetypes. Virtually any kind of file may be uploaded to a document. Here's how. From the toolbar, click Insert -File Select a file (current filesize limits are: 25MB per file and 1GB per document) The file will show in your document, like this (htFew readersHow do I embed a Plotly or Carto graph?
Authorea allows researchers to embed interactive graphs from Plotly or Carto (or any other plotting tool that allows you to save an iframe). This is how, for example, you import a Plotly graph: Get the embed code for your graph from Plotly (click Share, Embed, and copy the iframe). Detailed instructions here. ( readersAdding data "behind" a figure
Authorea documents are more than just text and figures. Every Authorea document is a Git repository that can host data, source code and any other related supplemental material. You can add data specific to a figure by adding a figure to an article and then clicking on the figure. The following menu will appear: Click on Attach Dataset and select a data file toFew readers