How do I delete a document?
Deleting a draft
From your user homepage, click on dots next to a document card title and then select Delete Document.
Note: if you are not the document owner you can "leave" a document but not delete it.

Deleting a publication
Sorry, you cannot delete a publication. Your publication on Authorea was "pre-printed" and registered with a DOI. As such, it is part of the permanent, citable scholarly literature and cannot be removed. But don’t worry—preprints and other similar preliminary research findings are a normal part of the scholarly process nowadays. Preprinting is accepted and encouraged by virtually all scholarly journals, funders, research and academic institutions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
But what if I am rejected from the journal I originally submitted to?
Can I get scooped if my research is openly visible to anyone?
How do I fix or update the content or author information of my preprint?
Read all FAQs about the Under Review service
Updated on: 09/09/2020