How do I add a citation manually from Google Scholar?
Search your reference in Google Scholar.
In the search results, click the "Cite" button right below the reference you want to cite.
In the popup window that opens, select BibTeX at the bottom of the window. Copy the BibTeX entry.

Finally, go back to Authorea, click the Cite button in the toolbar and paste the BibTeX from Google Scholar into the the bottom part of the citation popup (where it says "Add citation manually"). Then click UPDATE and CITE.

In the search results, click the "Cite" button right below the reference you want to cite.
In the popup window that opens, select BibTeX at the bottom of the window. Copy the BibTeX entry.

Finally, go back to Authorea, click the Cite button in the toolbar and paste the BibTeX from Google Scholar into the the bottom part of the citation popup (where it says "Add citation manually"). Then click UPDATE and CITE.

Updated on: 12/12/2017